Chrysanthema LAhr, Spinnenchrysantheme

Simply enjoy Our chrysanthemum products

Take a piece of Chrysanthema home with you!

Original chrysanthemum products are on sale in the Bürgerbüro/Rathausplatz, the KulTourBüro/Urteilsplatz and on the souvenir stand on the market square (Marktplatz), as well as in selected specialist shops.


Truffes aux chrysanthèmes, Délicieux chocolats fondants à la liqueur Chrylonge
Chrysanthemum truffles

Chrysanthemum truffles - Melt-in-the-mouth chocolates with Chrylonge.

Chrysanthemum tartlets - A composition made of nougat, marzipan und chrysanthemum truffle mousse.

Chrysanthemum salami - With a spicy, smoke flavour and noble, edible chrysanthemums.



Bier mit Speisechrysanthemen

Chrysanthemum tea - Aromatic green, black and rooibos tea with chrysanthemums.

Chrysantus - Aromatic beer with fresh, flowery hints of chrysanthemum.

Chrylonge - Sparkling, fruity liqueur – as aperitif, cocktail or hot drink.



Zwei Hände verpacken ein Stück Seife in Plastikfolie mit einer gelben Schleife aus Bast. Die Seife trägt das Etikett Chrysanthemen-Seife.
Chrysanthemum soap

Chrysanthemum soap - Hand-made with chrysanthemums and high quality oils.

Chrysanthemum bath salts - Well-being for all your senses with fine oils and healing aromas.



Eine rote Keramiktasse und dem Aufdruck weißer Chrysanthemen und dem Schriftzug Chrysanthema Lahr - Da blüht Dir was.

Chrysanthema breakfast board - ensuring a good start to the day.

Chrysanthema cup - High quality porcelain cup, dishwasher-resistant.

Chrysanthema badges - Collectable badges featuring a different motive each year.

Chrysanthema lanyard

Drinks coasters with floral designs

Decorative chrysanthemums - For autumnal, colourful interior and outdoor designs.